Las Vegas, NV—In just one month twenty wives and daughters of our fallen heroes will be attending the Fourth Annual Project Gratitude initiative at the Miss America pageant in Las Vegas. The highlight of their VIP visit will be a ceremony when each will be “pinned” by former Miss Americas with a crown pin, symbolizing their status as the newest honorary Miss Americas.
The guests will travel from around the country into Las Vegas on Thursday, courtesy of American Airlines. They will be guests of Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, and attend special events throughout their stay culminating with being royally pampered at the Canyon Ranch Spa on Saturday just in time to watch the Miss America Finals “live” (6 PM PST on ABC) from their VIP seats.
“We started Project Gratitude out of a deep, heartfelt sense of gratitude and highest respect for the ultimate sacrifice that was made by our nation’s fallen heroes and their families,” explains Sharlene Hawkes, former Miss America and President of Remember My Service Productions. “By recognizing each of the women and their daughters as honorary Miss Americas–and giving them the VIP experience that Miss Americas have received over the years–it is just our way of doing what we can to pay tribute to these great Americans.”
The chairman of Project Gratitude is Kathleen Gagg, Executive Director of the Got Your Back Network, who has organized a broad group of volunteers and sponsors to support the tribute (see below for more information about the sponsors) each year.” We are so honored and humbled to do our part in helping return the salute to these incredible families who have paid the ultimate sacrifice”, stated Kathleen Gagg.
To be part of this event via in-kind or monetary donation please contact Shana Smith at or Kathleen Gagg at